Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Why does Yahoo! Answers allow racist, ist, and generally bigoted questions?

Twice, I have had answers deleted to questions which, suffice it to say, bring sterotypes and ignorance to a nationwide audience. One of the questions invovled a candian that said that he did not want to "enter the USA illegally like all the mexicans do." And the other was asking if it was right to get a bill ped to allow the shooting of illegal immigrants. Those questions were not deleted but my responses of not wanting any more bigots in the USA to the candaian and ping a law to allow the shooting of the questioner were delted. I want to kow what the rest of this Answers community thinks. Should bigoted question be allowed to stay?

What Will be the Biggest Summer movie of 2009?

Transformers went over really well when it came out so I think the sequel will do just as good. But GI Joe, Wolverine, or Terminator 4 could really give it a run for its money. My pick though would be Transformers 2

Want To Commit On This Poem Before I Toss It In The Trash?

wow that's really good...sometimes the best things are written when we're not happy...DON'T THROW IT OUT please!!! writing is obviously your outlet, and what better way to write than in the form of deep emotion and feeling?

Sharpening Stone for Pocket Knife Question?

I use a sharpening stick that is impregnated with diamond dust. When sharpening I put the edge on the stick at an angle as though I was going to try and slice a very thin layer off of the sharpening stick and then I push the edge of the knife forwards as if still trying to slice off a layer of the stick. With a diamond dust stick it does not take much to have a razor sharp edge.

God of War III or Heavy Rain?

i am getting both games but have to choose one first. i am stuck between these two games. i have heard alot about GOW but have not got to play it. HR is my type of game because i like making choices and different endings. also i am also looking for something really long and easy platinum trophy. btw add me psn id: scotty243. i play alot of U2

Why won't the Supreme Court take on one of these "Obama Citizenship" cases and just get it over with?

I am tired of having my time and money wasted on these appeals. Why can't the Supreme Court of the United States of America actually take one of these cases on so Obama can show off his AUTHENTIC Hawai'i birth certificate and put this matter to rest? This is a load of crap, and the courts aren't doing their job, which is to defend the Constitution even against the silliest of attacks by Hillary Democrats and disillusioned PUMA bigots.

How can i make my hair grow longer, faster?? i need help!?

Just get some Biotin pills from the store they're like vitamins and they make your hair grow back faster. they also make your nails grow too so if you have a problem with short nails it will fix that too. Sorry but that's the only way to make your hair grow faster

Men, if you and I had a date and I typo texted you that I was "cited" about the date would you cancel on me?

No that would make me very happy in the pants. I also wouldn't belive i had a date. I think that story is made up.

Are christians the groups like adventists of seventh day ?

because they believe in a prophet and they use a version of the Bible called the clean word and stuff like that, they say it's forbidden to eat pork and to work on saturdays why is that? are they christians, because in my local city they were expulsed of the evangelical alliance.

Was this rude of my Dad? Farting at me all night?

My Dad and I were sitting on the couch watching a movie. He has had bad gas all night and my sister and I have been complaining about it. I am 8 months pregnant. He had a fart coming and lifted his cheek and aimed his at me and farted -- that is so rude, I mean he is 52 come on now time to grow up! And his farts smell like nicotene because he is a chain smoker. I admit I fart too, and we did have chilli that night, but to AIM YOUR FART at a pregnant lady?! Rude! What to do?

Is wind power another 'ethanol-style' knee-jerk reaction?

Maintenence is in the thousandsper year on a 1 megawatt tower. This can be easily built in to costs. Still a bargain once on line, but of course there are the usual considerations and certainly wont work as a stand alone system. Remeber, there are more considratons than jus cost. Look at asthma rates among children and other coal related problems.

Help with crocheting flowers please?

Hi guys, I'm not too bad at crocheting, i can do bags, throws, shrugs etc and the results are doing well, but i am having issues finding easy to do flowers. I have tried before, but am having problems understanding the magic ring/ crochet round your finger method. Also having issues with decresing stiches to make and heads for soft toys. Any know of any website, preferably with videos, but doesn't matter too much, that can help me? Thanks guys. x

How does Proposition 8 NOT Violate Equal Protection Clause of California's Constitution?

A constitutional amendment is by definition constitutional and it is presumed that, where two sections of the constitution conflict, the one most recently adapted takes the force of law. If an amendment were ped banning domestic partnerships, the same reasoning that was made in the most recent CA Supreme Court case would be used to decide that it was not a revision, and would therefore stand.

Can you answer this question?

Briefliy describe how the density measurment used for the copper shot could used to determine whether the sample was pure copper, or an alloy type (i.e.a mixture of copper and some other metal.)

Do you like music by Lionel Richie?

Yes. I like the song Night Shift. A song he made when he was with the band the Commodores and I like his solo songs Hello and Say You, Say Me

Monday, November 14, 2011

What career would I go into for this?

Biology, and photography....Jobs such as you describe are not easy to find and don't pay much, but wow...they'd be fun.

One more Smallville question...?

Smallville comes on CW every Thursday night. Does anyone know if it is the same episode that comes on ASN in the following week? If not... do you know another station where i can watch it or a on- line web site where i can catch it, when i have to miss it? Thanks.

Has anyone had any problems with sma 6months onwards?

idk what sma is lol , but i would start rice into the formula if he isn't satisfied . just to make it thicker . my daughter is 4 & a half months old , and i could never* get her satisfied , but once i added the rice - she was happy (: i started by adding a tsp for every 4 oz to watch for allergies . once i knew she was ok , i upped it to about 2 tsp every 4 . i make her formula daily . ie: i have a 32 oz container & make all the milk for the day . she eats roughly 27 oz a day , i make 28 & add 24 tsp or so . she is doing fine . i suggest a little bit of rice . he is old enough (:

0.4 bar and red light on boiler. Which valves do I open, what do they look like and where are they?

I have a potterton boiler. A red light is flashing saying 0.4 bar which I ume means low pressure. How do I raise the pressure? I know I have to open some valves somewhere but I'm not sure what these valves look like and where they are. There are no leaks anywhere I have checked.

Short dream interpretation?

it probably means that you are remembering a time when your friend had a real problem and you could've done something to help but didn't and now you're feeling guilty. just let it go and be sure to help in the future.

What's up with hundred of dolphins pooling in the bay of bataan , Philippines?

today's news feb 10,2009,is the water contaminated or is it a prelude to dec 12, 2012 or something ?

If super symmetry really does exist doesn't that prove that religion is more than just a theory. ?

It may help the theory that there is a "creator"....but that doesn't necessarily mean that any certain religion is right. There's a difference there.

Would this be considered dictatorship?

The country is under monarchy but under law any order by the King/Queen must be obeyed. But some rules are outside the rule of the King such as making of laws (he can only veto them), he is not void of the law, etc.

ALL bikers and non-bikers please read?

Ok..this is basically gonna be pro-harley but it pertains to all who ride and the non riding know it alls.Ive read comments lately about how Harley riders are hooligans,thugs,criminals and basically no-good SOB's.but I gotta say this...Do you all realize how many MILLIONS of dollars is raised by Harley riders each year to benefit those who need it? What about th Motor Companys contributions to Muscular Dystrophy each year along with what the riders come up with? There are charity runs for Rileys Childrens hospital and for the Shriners Hospitals.I have been on numerous poker runs that is raising money for charity or to help someone that truly needs help.By and large the overwhelming participant rides a Harley.Of all the runs I have been one I have seen a grand total of 3 crotch rockets and yes there are some metric cruisers but they are less than 10% of the bikes there? where are they?.....

Do yellow bellied turtles need to sharpen their mouths?

one of my turtles female, a year and a half keeps biting the rock i have in the tank it is unusual behaviour so i am wondering if she is sharpening her mouth, if not wtf?????

Is there a way to prevent ALCOHOL allergies by ingesting something before hand?

It doesn't matter what you eat/drink/medicate with before hand if you are ALLERGIC to alcohol, you are going to have a reaction. Best bet is to learn to have fun without feeling the need to be drunk like everyone else.

Can Someone translate this from Swedish to English?

Lives after lives I have fought my bloody wars the hatred that starches my spirit has always served as a guideline myself on the darkness's path Akosmiska stimuli Satan's silent vote has me from the dream and expelled your lies' comfort I have turned the light the spine and is armed for rapid Lucifer has opened my eyes and the truth has donated myself peace never will I let myself to be defeated Visdomen is my sword with whose black flames I will burn the era world you that is the lie's Slavs has underkastat you cosmic tyranni connected of those blind laws you are now everything you ever can become alchemy has myself changed to my father Satan's swords within myself storms the war's squints that will harvest the era world to expect you nobody forebearance ends are the weak power it final eonen approaches to fear confusion vrede those eleven gates will be opened dead to order and teams to reconcile you during the dragon's wings or to fear vredens day “dies irae, dies bad, sun know cosmos in favilla!”

Beginner crochet question about chain link?

So I am working on the first row which I think is called the chain link. However, as I am going, I don't like the results. Some parts are tight and some are loose with obvious holes. Does this matter? Should I keep it tight or loose? Someone somewhere said you should hold everything loosely to make it easier. But this seems to lead to the holes...and doing it tightly, is harder to get the needle through the hole. Not to mention, I'm not even sure how I could manage to do each stitch perfectly uniform with the rest. Just the slightest pull seems to make it different than the next...

Stan and Ollie?

Does anyone still enjoy watching Laurel and Hardy? It's so hard to pick a favorite, but if I tried it might be Saps at Sea. What's yours?

What kind of petticoat would I have to wear to make a dress this poofy?

hmm. I don't know wheret to buy one, but you could make one for sure :) Try making one of those wire ones, and add a couple layers of lacey-frilly things. Or you could call a bridal store and askthem


Tonight i was watching the show 90210 and wanted to know what song was playing in the part where Silver was dreaming of angela's death?the episode is called "The Dionysian Debacle" but i cant even find it on its on website?!i looked as hard as i could and dont remember the words..

How do you astral travel in to people's bodies?

DejaVu is absolutely correct. Astral Projection aka remote viewing is only possible if you have the correct genetic make up and brain chemistry/structure for it. It should come naturally. I don't know if it's possible to actually go into another individuals body as that is their temple but demons can certainly posess and dwell in people, so maybe ask them? Honestly I don't know why you would want to be inside another persons body, unless you've watched the movie Being John Malkovich and want to experience something like that.

Will You Go See The Jonas Brothers in A Movie Coming Out Soon?

lmao "Walter The Farting Dog" now that just cracks the crap out of me i bet the jonas brothers fan girls will get a kick out of this one lol sǝıɹʎʞןɐʌ

Help ME !!! My boyfreind taking over mylife/ over control me !!!?

Leave him now or it will get worse...my ex-husband is like that. You need to be single for a while and find what you really want for a man and in life.

Why do jews and catholics have similar cultures?

Christianity comes from Judaism. If you don not recall, Jesus was a Jew. Catholics believe in the old testament. The old testament comes from the Torah. Catholics and Jews have similar lifestyles and beliefs since most of what is in the bible comes from the Torah. (except for the new testament)

When buying a Used car?

Does it have a clean history (CarFax, AutoCheck etc). If you have a mechanic that you already use, ask to take the car to the shop.

Does global warming exsist?

I disagree and think it is a problem. It seems entirely logical to me that burning fossil fuels and cutting down vast quantities of trees would result in something like this

I'm currently reading Revelation. Question about the 4 horsemen.?

I understand what they are or symbolize. Like war, famine, diseases and death. But my question is, will we really see men on horses? or just the events like earthquakes, wars, diseases, etc.? I've also read that the white horse will carry the antichrist. Men in the Middle East ride horses. Just a thought.

Why are some newer automobile engines made so flimsy?

Why are they trying to make a lot of newer engines so flimsy. Like the ones in economy cars. Some older engine like the Honda H22A seem to be a lot more foregiving of over heating. On some new engines if they are overheated just a little it tears them up. I was driving my prelude and the gauge got close to the red mark. I got it home and shut it off and the cooling system was completely dry. I replaced the hose that busted and refilled it and it didn't damage it. I have a friend that bought a Kia Rio. She was driving it and the thermostat stuck closed. The needle went about 3/4 of the way up the gauge. It busted the head gasket and warped and cracked the head.

Transfer of property to heir?

I am looking for information on how to transfer property of my deceased aunt/uncle. Registered owner is aunt expired in 2007 later uncle expired on 2008 survived by only son. Since their is no Will and son's name is not mentioned in share certificate of the apartment I am not sure how to proceed and fees payable to government in Navi Mumbai- Maharashtra juridcation

Superstar of the Dems blows off small town meeting style debates with True American. Why is that.

I think Obama has figured out the more unscripted exposure he gets the more his support diminishes. He is avoiding debates and anything unscripted. The more about him we learn the less we like him.

Triva question?

the coagulated milky juice of various malaysian trees used in the arts, medicine and manufacturing is called what?

A journey. Join me?

The content and message of this poem are excellent. The meter is a bit bumpy, but you make up for it with the magnificent imagery. Please do a bit of editing. A beautiful poem like this deserves to be made perfect.

How do you know if someone is jealous?

she soo is uh I know someone like that just dn't let it get tto you and never show you're upset to her. fight them biaaaaaaatches off! XD

Need help on buying a new router thingy?

Netgear and Linksys are both very good. Either one will serve it's purpose. My personal preference is Linksys but if you plan on setting this up yourself I'd go with netgear. I've found that their installation process is easier for non-techies.

Pakistan's National Security Advisers sacked for singing the wrong song, or being off key with his conductors?

National Security Advisor Mahmood Ali was made scapegoat of what is happening between Army and the democratic government. There are a lot of differences between these two pillars of Pakistan. NSA is the one which lost this game and is out of this game now. Let's see who is next !

So . . . who do you think shot JFK?

After all this time, I do not think it matters who`s finger was on the trigger, to me it is more important to find out who or what organisation was behind it.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Not your ordinary Johan Santana question?

I completely agree with you...they would be getting a proven number one starter for maybes...to quote another answer "What if Ian, Joba, AND Hughes all become great pitchers and you trade 2 of them away from Santana."...yeah but what if those three all turn out to be career end of rotation guys? The Yankees would be getting a sure thing for a group of what ifs.

Is anyone else sick of the race card in this election?

I am a white woman and would have never voted for Hilary Clinton. Now, as for a black president - Colin Powell?

How to know if I print a picture, it will look the same as on screen?

You need to calibrate your monitor. You can use tools such at ColorMunki from ColorRite. It will look 100% like what you seen on screen if you are calibrating your monitor and screen. The issue is typically screens are far to bright to show your picture in the colors/brightness you seen on screen.

Would you have gotten upset by this? [long...]?

Just tell betch to back the f**k off. And yeah, I would have gotten upset. But the thing is, if you just act stronger and more mature, and confront her as if she is just the small little peanut of a f*** that she is, and talk to her like she is a child, then you will be stronger and have more power than her.

How would I wirte a code for a TIc Tac Toe game in Java using Minimax algorithm?

As it says in the Wikipedia entry, this is a recursive algorithm, so we will probably be using a recursive function. We will need some sort of data structure to represent the game board, a 3x3 array is the most intuitive. First thing you'll do in your recursive function is to test the board to see if it is in a terminal state (i.e. player wins, computer wins, or a tie game) and return the appropriate value (e.g. computer wins = 1, player wins = -1, tie = 0). If the board is not in a terminal state then you would return the sum of the values of all possible moves, that is, you would call the function within itself and sum its return values.

Do you know Harold Camping? And do u agree about 2011?

My Dad Listen's to This guy named "Harold Camping..(" if u don't know him u should look him up..") but my dad believes in him and keep's telling me about how he won't merry his Girlfriend cause of the world ending in 2011 an he always ask's me what he should do. i mean he's 59 years old he's been Listening to him since the 70's. To be honest with everyone i'm 13..and this hole 2011 is just ..u know a hard thing a kid believes ...And i believe the world will end but not now.but it gets annoying how he talk's about it all the time and it worry's me slightly how do i deal with it an should i believe it? And do u believe "Harold Camping.." ?

Thinking of starting track and athletics once school starts again?

track is a really good sport because it's pretty much all running,i've done it before & i'm doing it again.

Pda. personal digital itance.?

i was wondering if anyone knew of a good pda(personal digital istance). i want to buy one but last time i bought one it didnt even work very well, the pen wasnt working with the screen. i want a brand and/or a model number of one that you have had personal experience with(oops i want, well it would be nice to have). so can you let me know if you know of any good brand and or models.

Would my Spell-caster deck do good in a tournament?

This deck wouldn't do very good. and my reason is that it is a highlander deck (meaning there is only one of each card). you need to run 2 and 3 of good cards to ure you get the right strategies. playing a deck like this means that if your opponent takes out a card, you can't bring it back. this is a terrible position to be in. play a deck that is centered around a dark magician/dark eradicator warlock combo, or an endymion's citadel/ tempest magician burn.

I rented a foreclosed home- bank took home back- and previous homeowner refuses to return the deposit HELP?

Try the Attorney General's consumer affairs office. If you're in the metropolitan area, check with the city offices for the municipality where the house is located.

Can YOU give me real insight to a desperate confused question?

What do you do when everything you've known true steadily dwindles until it is almost unapparent, when it has almost disappeared completely and all that stands is traces of the reality you once knew, loved, strived for and dreamt of? All the while spiritual, emotional, physical aspects of life slowly continue decomposing in a haze.

The vet shaved my dogs *** without permission?

get over it ... it sounds like you could talk to someone professionally ... how shallow can a person be ...

How can i make my hair grow faster ?

i know that you can take kaltine pills to increase the rate of growth of hair, but i am young so i want to do this naturally. is there anything you can use to make your hair grow faster that is natural ? anything you can put in it ? and on average, how long does it take for your hair to grow one inch ? thankkkuuu soo mucho grande :]

Tagalog translation please!?

My brother had to learn Tagalog, because he was going to the Philippines, and he bought some Tagalog books at bookstores that sold language books, and sometimes, he just checked out some books at the library closest to us, and he learned Tagalog very well. So just keep your eyes open, and go to the library. Good Luck!

Is all human life equally valuable?

When you look at all the different kinds of people out there, such as depressed people, drunks and drug addicts, the unemployed, the divorced, the widowed, the dependent, the mentally challenged, the obese, the criminal, the sociopaths, the people who live in a run down apartment by themselves and are forced to eat food from microwavable plastic trays in front of a tv on a daily basis, for whom their only source of income is their criminal activity and welfare check, for whom their social life consists of not much more than Yahoo Answers, for whom their only source of ual gratification is the abundant on the internet and the occasional hooker, for whom their only source of spiritual experience is a bottle of JD and a joint, for whom their only goal in life is to continue the cycle of bity until they finally cease to be................. Compared with others who are wealthy, have a loving family, loving partners, have a nice house, have university/college educations, have professional careers, have elegant and extravagant social lives, have the time and money to travel and experience the world, have an appreciation of the finer things in life, have the motivation to help the community, have the desire and the means to stay fit and healthy, have a many goals in life, have a sense of spirituality or their religion or have the intellect to contemplate the finer things in life and the human condition, etc......... Would you say that "all" human life is equally valuable?

I think something is going on with my fianc�e, I need help!?

This is a very stressful time for my fiancee and I; we just moved in together, we both just got new jobs and we're planning our engagement party in two weeks. However last week on his work phone while he was listening to his voicemail (on speaker phone), I heard a girl saying in a message "hey, how come you haven't called?" I asked him what that was about but he said he had no clue, he just got the job and the phone belonged to a former employee before him, so I dropped it. Then, like 3 days ago, I asked him for a phone number for a place that he called and he said he didn't have it in his personal cell phone any longer because he deletes his call log every couple of days just because he hates for it to be full. Then last night I looked on his computer and saw in the page history he'd been on craigslist, in the strictly platonic personals, looking for female friends. Now, this is all speculation, but is it enough for me to start wondering if he's cheating or maybe thinking about it?

Need help with song! easy 10 points! foo fighters maybe?

Try the songs... "get a job" or "pretty fly" by the offspring they usually start thoose songs of with a hey baby

Does he like me???

he definately likes you! he's evidently shy, giving the weird tone he says hello in, the high five and walkaway.. he must feel more comfortable about being himself when it's just the two of you.. like walking you home, and walking his bike with you in the dark. it's so innocent and sweet. if you like him, go for it... he sounds all for it!

I need help with connecting my xbox 360 via my dvd player?

I think your problem is that you might have connected them both to what seems to me the same channel. Thus you would be receiving two signals from what is supposed to be the one signal. So make sure both connections are separate and have their own channels. If this doesn't resolve the problem....get a PS3....it only does everything

Any ideas for new songs for my MP3 Player?

Do you like japanese music? Cuz I know a song called alone by aqua timez and it's pretty amazing :) lol thats what i listen to... also, search caramelldansen by caramell ( super speedy speedycake is the best) or best friends by the toybox... or snakes on a plane by cobra starship

What type of snowboard should i get?

Im a begginer and i want to know what snowboard i should get.i tried skiing and didnt like it.so what type of snowboard is good for riding on almost every type of snow and condition?

Poll: Acura TL Type S white or black?

I have a WDP (white) 2004 TL and I love it. NBP (black) shows scratches very easily and is a pain to keep clean. Plus black cars get hotter in the summer.

MCR What Do You Think Bout The Split!?

My Chemical Romance Should Have Never Split Up They Have Loads Of Good Songs And Always Work Together I Think That Maybe Sometime Soon They Should Get Back Together And Start Writing And Performing Songs Again What About You Guys ???

KC 10's or KC 135's and why? Aircrew life?

Hey guys I just had a couple questions about which air frame you think is better and why? I hear KC 10's TDY more and 135's deploy more but that's about all I know. What else is there? How is aircrew life generally for the booms?

Under what conditions of inheritance can a pedigree... Biology?

under what conditions of inheritance can a pedigree predict with 100 percent certainty what the genotype of an offspring will be?

Need a credit card but have bad credit... help?

in need to apply for a credit card to help get caught up on some bills but my credit isnt so good... any ideas or suggestions of companys that still take people with bad credit?

Does this Gateway laptop have good specs?

This laptop is great! i have one of my own, my sister does too. They are very fast and work great. They hold alot of info pics doents videos and this has a webcam so you have access to skype ovoo and other video chatting downloads

Saturday, November 12, 2011

What is a good time for a mile run??

usually a pretty good mile time for a girl is around 7 minutes give or take... but this depends on how old you are and what your running for. if its just to get into shape then 7 minutes and even a little more is just fine. now if your running competitively like for high school or something... then your time is going to have to be a bit faster probably down in the 6 minute range. for two miles it would be around 16 minutes give or take and three miles around 25 or 26 minutes.

How do you draw/calculate the maximum and minimum slopes?

Is it a matter of, for the maximum slope drawing a line through the mean point and the max point and vice versa for the minimum slope. Or is there some statistical method using the standard deviation or something? I am doing a University lab essment can't get my head around it.

Spokane Falls Community College Mascot?

I am going to be attending Spokane Falls Community College in Spokane, washington. I was wondering if anyone knows the Mascot. I was just very curious. I cannot find it anywhere.. maybe they don't have one.

Ok i have Straight medium length hair and i don't know what to do with it!! (picture in included)?

go to a store ex. walmart, that has the sponge type rollers. they come in different sizes smaller ones make hair more curly. i use these for my 3 yr. daughters hair. just wash hair like normal. when it is damp not wet roll allow to dry. better to roll at night and sleep that way it will definitely have enough time to dry. these give my daughter curls. and no heat involved.

How do you know if it's true?

How do you know when you're in love? Because I think I might be... my boyfriend Connor is amazing... when I see him, even like, when he's only been gone five minutes and he comes back, I feel so like, happy and overjoyed to see him. And he's not afraid to like, kiss me or hold my hand in front of his "guys" or whatever lol I just always want to be with him. Even when I say goodbye to him at the end of the schoolday, and I know I'm gonna see him tomorrow, I don't wanna walk away from him. I spend as much time with him as I can. I know I can put on my old baggy PJ pants and an old stained Tshirt I wear for pajamas around him and I know he won't care. When I see him smile, I think my heart's gonna like, explode. I trust him so much and in my eyes he's just the most amazing guy ever. Am I like, in love with him? Serious answers please... I asked my friends this and all they did was go, "Aww... I don't knowwww" lol So please give me serious answers

I have a really bad bacck ache...?

you could have pulled a muscle.. if it hurts really bad, you should go see a doctor.. maybe the chiropractor, they can give you a mage and make it feel better.. hope this helps :) !

90210 - why such a LONG winter break??? WTF?!?!!?

I just looked online and saw that 90210 and Melrose Place are not returning from winter break until THE END OF MARCH!!!! What the f**k????? Can someone please tell me WHY?!?!!? I Googled and even went on the CW website but can't get any info.....this is RIDICULOUS!!!

What Is This MCRmy "Let The Devil Sort Them Out"?

Okay well i was looking on MCRmy and saw they had a new symbol its says MCRmy "Let The Devil Sort Them Out", i am a huge MCR fan so i was freaking out, and i looked online and most people are saying "Oh thats thier new album name" is it their new album name????

How to make a 3-fold brochure? [[on the computer?]]?

You should use publisher. When you're there, I think you go to file, new, and then it ask you what design you want your paper to be in. I've had to do many of these, although I either used pagemaker, and I used publisher once.

What type of style ugg boot should i get?

i was on ebay and i found a black baily boot and a tall chesnut boot. i really like them both, there in my price rang and they are new. which one should i get.

Can an institute without any affiliation to any university whatsoever award a post graduate advanced diploma?

There are certainly specialized institutes of study that can do this. There's no law saying that only universities can offer postgraduate courses of study and award diplomas. In order for the dipomas to carry any weight, the institute would have to be accredited or recognized by the relevant professional organizations, but I know of some institutes and special programs in a couple of fields that grant diplomas respected within their fields.

Waterloo Road on BBC 1?

The lady who plays the headmistress in Waterloo Road was recently interviewed on television and said that she receives many letters telling her how true to life the series is. I know it's thirty years since I was last at school but, even so, can things have really become so bad in the space of thirty years? I like the programme, but this series is the first I've seen of it. I really hope that it's not a true representation of the state of British schools. If it is, then teachers should be paid danger money and issued with body armour.

Someone wants to use Western Union to buy my laptop, is this a scam?

Where did you list your item? Craigslist mentions that wiring funds via western union is a scam. Check out the "avoid scams and fraud" link on their website. If it is listed on ebay, I would use paypal and not ship until you get paypal confirmation. If I am not mistaken, there is also some small level of protection for both the buyer and the seller since ebay controls paypal and I don't think you need to use ebay to use paypal.

Should i just let it p although it pissed me off?

some girl from my bf's myspace added me and is being friendly to me but my bf doesnt like her because he said she can be annoying, he already blocked her on msn because she bothers him a lot even when on busy status. but in fairness this girl is friendly so im just being friendly also, she has a bf and left nice comments on my pic together with my bf. i thought they're really friends because i often see her posting comments on my bf's account and same as he did so when this girl told me she lost her phone and my bf's number and asked for it, i gave it because he already did gave her his number in the first place and i was trying to psych him a little to read more of his ways before we became official. so as our conversation goes, i found out that he lied to me saying he doesnt give away his number just to anyone, but turned out that he did before with not just one, but quite a number of girls from his myspace. he already bought a ticket for our holiday in paris but im still pissed

Could an alligator grow to croc sizes if...?

the record is about 15 feet i think but that is rare, american alligators were nearly hunted to extinction at one point and that of course took a toll on the gene pool especially the big gator genes, the rumors about big gators in the sewers are mostly just myths they need sunlight an alligator could very well survive a few years in a place like that but thrive? probobly not

My mum took saints 2 from me coz im too young! :(?

I bought saints 2 from argos with my mum but now my mum and dad dont want me to have it coz they feel its too gory. I know that some people grow up from these games and get into bad stuff, but i have been brought up with good parents and i have a great attitude and grades at school, but yet they dont want me to have this game. i have far cry 2 but i got that online and she says i still dont know where you got that from. Can someone back me up to help me get my game back from my good folks ?

Ideas for gift for Vet's office ?

A week ago my daughter and I found a dog that had been hit by a car, we did not know who the owner was but called the vet (emergency hours) and not only were they willing to take him..they were willing to take him for free while we cont'd the search for the owner. We found the owner and basically the owner said the dog (with a broken hip) was useless to him if he couldn't work on the farm and wanted to put him down. The vet asked if he would be willing to sign him over to her and if she could find him a home if it would be ok. The owner agreed and she called us. There was absolutely no need to put the dog down. We decided to adopt him and the vet was so wonderful she kept him for a week and treated him medically and even bathed and frontlined him for us ALL for FREE! We were super grateful and wanted to make a thank you snack or something very creative to show our thanks. I would like to make it puppy themed but can not think of anything. Any help would be appreciated..

Why is it in the Catholic religion it is wrong to masturbate? How do other religions view this act?

....is this not a natural bodily impulse, that is private and harms no one? why should it be viewed as a sin by some?

If there was a state or even a small city with only atheists, will there be no crime?

Would everything be great? If you use the statistic (from 1920s) that most people in prison are Christians, then does that mean that if a place only had atheists there would be no use for prisons.

I have some questions about Marine DEP Marines awnser?

so ill be in the DEP program verry soon (just met max weight) im curious how dependable is my recruiter to get me set for boot? im 240lbs thats max for DEP but gotta be 225 for boot camp will my recruiter push me and get me motivated??? and will he help me with IST

Fantasy baseball trades.. which do i do??

I don't think you should make any of those trades. You're OF is great and you have enough. Also get rid of Roach and 1 or 2 starters. If you got rid of 2 starters then you could have 3 bench players and 3 RP.

What are your concerns about Obama as President?

Lack of experience and the people he has connections to in the past and present. Also, that he always blames someone else if he ever gets called on something in his campaign.

Commercial Ideas?

definitely have here running all over Paris getting lost as she does in the book and at the end of the commercial when the title of the book is displayed have her almost falling of the Eiffel tower

Kids birthday party stains?

hi there any wife or mom who has worn a dress or skirt or skirt suit with boots to a kids birthday party lately especially if it was all suede or all leather or all white

Chevy Camaro or Ford Maverick?

The Camaro is a pony car, whereas the Maverick is a compact car. Therefore the Camaro is a LOT faster. However, the Maverick is more rare, and probably more comfortable because it's not built for speed. The Camaro is more popular, and there are hundreds of aftermarket parts to customize it and make it even faster and better. If I were you, I'd go with the Camaro, but it's up to you.

How do you remove wrinkles from Egyptian Cotton Sheets?

You are correct with ironing them. What you have to do is take an old cotton cloth, maybe a kitchen towel that is made of 100% cotton that is similar to a sheet in looks. Wet the towel and place over the sheet where it is wrinkled. Now iron on the highest setting. It will steam out the wrinkles for you. It works! Try it.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Tropical Astrology and the seasons?

I know a few Australian astrologers and they use the signs the same way astrologers do in the northern hemisphere, and they report it works fine. I have to admit, however that this is a bit uncomfortable. Astrology was developed in the temperate zones of the northern hemisphere and it is based on the seasons of the year. IF the basis of the subject is reversed, it seems natural that the subject should be reversed in some way. Yet one of the worlds' better known astrologers, Bernadette Brady, began her studies in Australia and has done very well with it including making something of a splash years ago by out predicting the experts in a season's worth of Australian rules football using William Lilly's methods for determining the best time to besiege a castle. Brady didn't even know the rules of football when she did this. Do with this information as you see fit.

Josh Hamilton??? HR DERBY?

did anyone notice if they said how many he hit completyley out of he building because i was there and it seemed like it was like 8-10 for all the rounds probaby like 5 or 6 in the first but when i watched the highlights of it i didnt see any that did

Highschool sneak in-----?

I have a public high school extremely close to my house but I do not attend there. My high school that I attend has a week more of summer break than the public school near me does, so I thought it might be fun to pretend to be a freshman and sneak into the public school for a bit on the school's first day. (btw I am a sopre so there isn't’t a huge physical difference between me and freshmen) And I will spend most of my time in the lunchroom and avoid clrooms. However, I am nervous about getting caught leaving the school or entering late. What will they do if they figure out I’m not a student there? Could there be any serious consequences of my exploration? (Serious answers only please)

Who wins!! NFL Fantasy Football Championship?

Team 1 is stronger, you definitely have to be concerned about Turner against MINN b/c of their strong run defense. Cel is coming off a great game and will not be able to exploit the defense as well as OAK. Further, TO probably won't get a ton of attention against Baltimore who is obviously a dominant defensive team, a little angry over what happened in PITT. And although their defense is better, Wash has such a pitiful offense now that it's likely that the Eagles will do better.

How mla format refresh?

try this site: a href="http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/557/01" rel="nofollow"http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resour…/a

Printable Body Shape Quiz?

a href="http://quiz.ivillage.com/diet/tests/bodytype.htm" rel="nofollow"http://quiz.ivillage.com/diet/tests/body…/a

Has Gordon Brown outstayed his welcome at 10 Downing St?

I think Mr Brown was truly in his element within the ministerial role of C of the E, and the 'economy' is the only issue I think he discusses with any comfort, but I think his ego has led him to ume a position he clearly does not have the panache or people skills to enact, he clearly looks out of his depth around people, and he also lacks the political diversity needed to discuss broad political issues in a persuasive manner. he clearly looks like Frank Bruno after having had 2 unsuccessful attempts at beating Mike Tyson, and I think he should have the good grace to resign, which I think he will do in the next week or so.....

Is a synonym for the word "consternation" either anger or acceptance?

well, neither really. Consternation is amazement or dismay that hinders or throws into confusion. I guess it could lead to feelings of anger or acceptance though.

When was the last time someone called you.....?

My mama used to call my oldest Punkin when she was a little babby. She's 12 now, so she no longer likes it.



Nct problem help please ?

my car is due for nct soon but im worried its got the abs light on and i know nearly everyone gets failed for this yeah iv heard one or two still ped but most dont. The light came on a few months ago and would go off then stayed on . I brought it to the garage and they said i needed new brake pads and calipers so i got them , but it never went off after these were put on . I recently went back to the garage about it and they said we would have a look while we change your tires . When they were done i was told they couldnt see anything wrong with any of the braking equipment and didnt get anything when they used the probe to look for error codes. He told me go drive it for a few miles and it might go off .Sounded weird to me i took it to 3 other garages and none knew why it was showing a light all the time and one even said you might just have to try knocking it off till you do your test and hope for the best . I feel really annoyed i spent alot of money getting the car ready now im going to fail over something no one seems to be able to sort out .

How much weight did you gain in your first trimester. Ive gained alot??

I didn't gain a single pound until after 20 weeks because my pregnancy caused me to completely lose my appetite. Hormones and water retention will make you gain weight very quickly. I know it's not fun gaining weight, I gained WAY too much when I was pregnant and now I'm working my off (almost literally) trying to lose it again. Maybe some light exercise like walking and swimming will help. Congrats on your new addition!

Can I, legally, remove my factory fog lights and replace them with daytime running lights?

In heavy fog conditions you will be blinded by your HID running lights. That's why fog lights are low.

Are you guys going to vote against George Bush in November?

First of all Bush is a part of history now. Bush and republicans from 2002-06 was progressives,the only thing worse than a progressive is a liberal. The new wave of republicans are conservatives and will fix the economy. Where Bush,Pelosi and Reid almost killed the economy,Obama,Pelosi and Reid will finish it off.

Master Harold and the Boys!! HELP SOS 10 points!?

Let's ume you have read the play .... but you don't know what to write ... so basically, you have to read the play again, and again, until you understand what makes Hal tick; how his life experience has shaped him; what he feels about his father; what he feels about Sam and Will; what he feels about the colour difference; what he feels about his education; what he feels about his environment; what he feels.......!!!

Can someone solve this physics question?

A projectile is launched from a height of 10 m with an initial trajectory angle of 40 degrees above the horizontal. What is its trajectory angle when it has reached a height of 12m. Thanks in advance

Do you agree? Yes or No? Why or Why Not?

I agree with the maxims these great men are expressing, but I want to express my debt of gratitude to Presidents Kennedy and Reagan, who substantially rolled back government's claim to the fruits of man's labor. Kennedy lowered the top tax rate from 90% to 70%, Reagan took it down to 29%.

Easy way to get information about b arc colleges in hyd. affiliations to.entrence examinatonits locations. etc?

Google is as easy as it gets. All sorts of information. Type b arc colleges in, and fill out all your abbreviations so that you get the real deal.

What is the band or song called?

I dont know any of the lyrics but the video was about a girl who dreamt that her boyfriend died in a car accident. He woke up got dressed left she ran outside I guess to say something or whatever and as hes backing out some car just hits him. The process pretty much repeated. I've seen it on Fuse's Number 1 countdown. I really want to know what the song was called.

Would you be embarrased to be a Top Answerer?

Yes, it is very embaring... Its like wearing a "HUGE MEGA NERD" sign on your t-shirt every day...

What Power Supply Unit should I buy for my computer?

I'm in the process of building my own computer as well and we have pretty much the same parts list. I put my build into this website: a href="http://www.antec.outervision.com/" rel="nofollow"http://www.antec.outervision.com//a It was a few weeks ago that I figured out my power, but it was somewhere around 720 - 740 watts if I'm not mistaken could be wrong. I went with one over 800 watts so I have room to do minor upgrades in the future. Hope this helps

Should I still get my friends christmas presents?

The last week of school for us before winter break was midterm week, so no one got to interact with one another, or exchange presents. christmas is next saturday and vacation already started...would it be awkward to give my friends gifts like after new years?

Can I transfer Uni from a course that started in September to one that begins in January?

I began at plymouth uni studying health and social care in september, and feel I made the wrong decision. I was interested in a paramedic science foundation degree in uwe, and the course begins in January, and was hoping that i might be able to drop out and begin there. I have emailed the admissions team for uwe and am waiting for a response, but I am concerned about what this will mean for my student loan and things. Could anyone please help me.

How do i keep my children safe in a major earthquake?! help!?

i live in california. quake zone. i have 2 very small children. ages 2 months and 3 years. i am scared to death every day because i am at home alone alot since my husband works outside the home 40+ hours a week. my question is what do i do if a major earthquake hits us while i am at home alone with the children? how can i keep my children safe and alive if something like this happens? ever since ive been hearing about the quakes in chili and haiti i am scared out of my wits. i dont want my children to die. please help!

Which profession should I choose?

You could look into linguistics. If you are good at math and IT and you enjoy foreign languages, it sounds about right. Do you like the logic part of math? Do you feel like you understand things and people really well? If so, you should definitely look into it, good money in linguistics for people like you.

TTC #1 Possible pregnancy? Opinions or experiences would be greatly appreciated.?

I would go out and get a digital test that says "pregnant" or "not pregnant", because it might have been that the last test you took doesn't pick up early enough. If it says "not pregnant", unfortunately you could have had what is called a chemical pregnancy. Hopefully it will say "pregnant", good luck and baby dust!!

What comes to mind when you hear "You cant lead the people if you dont love the people ......?

"You cant lead the people if you dont love the people and you cant save the people if you dont serve the people".......What is your definition of this quote...How could you rephrase it in your own words

Is this why Cheney is upset about the Russian action in Georgia?

Very interesting question. I am not sure anyone can answer this yet but you bring up excellent possibilities. I have believed for months that a strike on Iran by Israel is necessary and imminent and I still believe it. The strike probably will occur before the January 2009 inauguration if Obama wins the election. If McCain wins, it may be later. I suspect the Israeli's think they will not get U.S. support for the strike if Obama is the President, forcing them to hit Iran before the inauguration.

Why, exactly, is your favourite Band or Artist your "favourite"?

Because it feels like your cheating yourself if you skip 1 track on any album, you have to listen to the whole thing, as well as paying attention to all the intricate details and trying to understand the theme of the song

Who has more fans and haters: Richie son or Mark Reynolds?

Well, I would say there is more love for Mark Reynolds then Richie son. son wasn't nearly as famous as Reynolds. Richie had that big year in Cleveland then got that insane contract with Milwaukee but Reynolds actually led the league HR for a while last year. son is here today gone tomorrow. Reynolds still has a chance to be a very good player. Reynolds just needs to stop the K's. Tell you where Reynolds and son would be appreciated right now - San Fransisco - team is desperate for power - I know they just Jose Guillen but I'm not sure he's any real answer.

Obama or McCain??????????????????

Ok i am 15 but you know what i do support McCain/Palin. yes he maybe old but you know what that is not what matters it only matters of who you want to change the country i think that McCain is gonna change for the best. and ya you obama lovers can go give me thumbs down i dont care! :)

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Why are girls so hard to understand? Does this girl like me or am I wasting my time?

I liked this girl for a year now and she got a boyfriend right when i started to like herr but i was a close second option. They are still together and are a pretty legitimate couple but i could see them breaking up. Me and this girl are both going to college together next year (im in 12th grade) and her boyfriend is going somewhere else 5 hours by car from my school. She is very hard to understand and sometimes I can sware that she wants to be more than friends and other times it fells like i will never get to be with this girl. She knows that I used to like her last year but she never told me that. But she told me that if she wasnt going with her boyfriend to prom she wouldve went with me. She always tells me Im her best friend and that we weill hang out in college. Other times she treats me as only a friend and sometimes it is awkward if we hang out just us two. She is very nice and i dont know if shes just being nice but i have no clue. I need some help. Will she break up with her boyfriend and consider me as a bf? or consider me as a friend? or will they stay together. help please!!

In the cask of amontillado by edgar allen poe?ULL POINTS TO ANYONE WHO ANSWERS!!!?

he drank wine with his friend,as he ped out he chained him to the floor. Fortunado built a brick wall in order to entomb his death by starvation.

Are these signs that i have bronchitis?

You may have bronchitis since you have frequent coughing causing inflammation of the bronchials(bronchitis). You may have pneumonia as well. If you are running a temperature, are wheezing or short of breath please see a doctor as soon as possible. A cough suppressant may help, but if you have an infection you will need antibiotics and maybe even steroids for inflammation. If your brother is showing the same symptoms you may be contagious so see a doctor for a chest x ray and full essment. Hope you feel better soon.

Student loan repayment?

I'm an American currently living in Canada going to school. I just took out a student loan using my grandfather as my co-signer. I have no intentions of ever moving back to the United States. That being so, if my grandfather dies and I'm still living in Canada, will the student loan debt collectors still come after me?

Theres no justice at my school,how about at yours?

I got a detention today for something I didn't even say. The reason says "disrespectful remarks about a teacher." The person who actually said the disrespectful remarks was another kid who no longer goes to our school anymore (he left today). I tried to fight the detention by talking to my counselor but she didn't believe me and neither does the teacher who gave me the detention. I have no say in this at all. I told my mom and all she said was theres nothing I can do, the teachers always going to be right. Is your school a dictatorship too?

I need to keep at least 4 players from last year. Who should I keep?

I know I'm keeping Manny Ramirez and Prince Fielder, but can't decide on 2 more from the following: Alexei Ramirez, Carlos Delgado, Joey Votto, Troy Tulowitzki, Chien-Ming Wang, and Aaron Harang. I can keep up to 6, but with this lot I thought I would be better off keeping the minimum and getting 2 extra draft picks. Ideas?

How to lose wight on ur belly?

well i am 14 live in st.Anne's and it fells like my belly is getting bigger over night and i don't like it :p

Car Insurance - Quinn direct premium help please !!?

try swiftcover.com i saved 80 pounds and i told my mate and he saved 150pounds you can do the whole lot on the net good luck

Why would you ever again vote for a republican after the last two presidencies?

I mean, seriously.... The first Bush took us to Kuwait and Iraq.. the second Bush takes us right back.. Both of them did a horrible job in office... As a matter of fact, all republicans did a horrible job in office. They are the biggest liars, money hungry, scam artists, around! They care nothing about the average people, and it shows in their policy towards healthcare, wage, employment, etc. They are for the top wealthy 1% people in America, yet all the poor dumb rednecks vote for republicans, regardless. Tell me how this happens. Explain to me how people still want to vote republican, because in my mind, it goes against common sense and sanity.

Water in intake manifold?

Don't understand will only crank 3 or 4 times and dies out. You're not supposed to be trying to start the engine while you're doing a compression test.

Purpose of Countries with both a president and a prime minister?

Ministers report to a head of state, the PM being chief amongst the ministers. So, if you have a PM, you need a chief of state. If you don't have royalty, then you need a president. In some countries, the president has no more power than the accept the parliament as duly constituted, to set an election date, and to accept the ministers.

At what pressure would a propane tank explode?

I have been searching everywhere for an answer but I have yet to find it. So any help would be wonderful!!

Should I trade MJD for DeSean Jackson and Jay Cutler?

Ordinarily I'd say no, but you are pretty well off at RB, so I think it's smart to put yourself in the best shape for playoffs.

Lauren Graham's "movie career" after the Gilmore Girls finale?

I never watched the show BUT I can't help but notice the movies she picked is simply stupid and annoying! C'mon..The Pacifier, and Evan Almighty???? I bet she won't last....Gilmore Girls was probably better than those two crap movies wasted on film! What was she thinking?

I want to be, I pray to be, with all my heart and soul, a true follower of Jesus Christ. I truely believe. ?

Liberty University they have a DLP program (distance learning program) and it's credible. They have a theology seminar and they might have it for the program as well. www.liberty.edu

Why don't you just take a pregnancy test?

Yes but this questions should wrap up the inevitable "Am I pregnant question" we see on here everyday. Her question is wayy more relevant and goes out to so many more people. If more women would see this question before they post, they may think twice before posting.

I have a midterm tomorrow and i haven't studied?

Well guys, im in community college, i have a midterm tomorrow, and i havent studied AT ALL. Its only chapters 1-5, but the chapters are pretty long, and the cl is really difficult. Please note i am a high school student taking a college cl during the summer for extra credit toward my high school credits, and i happened to choose the hardest cl in the world. Now, please don't judge me, but i havent studied at all, i forgot i had the midterm tomorrow, and its on topics i honestly do not understand. I know for a fact i will most likely fail, i have the midterm in 9 hrs, its 11 something right now, i cant stay up to study i'll get in trouble for staying up, im typing this discreetly in the dark on my ipod touch, do you think i should study in the morning? Should i cheat? I will only have an hr in the morning to study 5 chapters, but they are very long.. I feel so stupid, im really stressed out with this stupid cl, please help me :( i feel like crying.

Auditioning for bye bye birdie on monday, any tips?

My very first time auditioning, but i run lines with my brother so i'm not a total novice. I was going to try for mae peterson, thats a speaking role only right? Thanks.

My toddler has a habit of twirling/twisting her hair?

My daughter does it too. She plays with her hair when she's sleepy to keep herself awake. It's something a lot of kids do and eventually grow out of it.

Fantasy football lineup?

I would def go with choice b/c barber is prob out. if lynch is out i'd go with fred jackson...otherwise go with holt.

On foopets i try to go to the bank and it takes me to the adoption center?

please help on Foo pets I try to go to the bank and it takes me to the adoption center does anyone know why it does that?help!!

Should it be like this?

I think ual feelings are designed to draw you onward to a climax. If you stop somewhere short of the biological goal then the novelty wears off. That is the reason you need to like the person in a non-ual way too if the bond is going to last. One cannot stay in a state of excitement for a long time. If you enjoy your relationship try not to over-think it.

Some misunderstanding with a teacher. Can u help me?

Don't over yze her actions. Play it cool, and just let time take care of this. You had a misunderstanding of some kind. That happens. Just proceed as normal, and things will work out naturally. If you try to force it, things will just get more tense.

Anyone know the Alloy Wheel fitment range for a Mitsubishi GTO 92 N/A MK1?

mitsi's are usually 4x100 but dont hold me to it the bloke says to email him if u have any questions about if there fit he prob a second hand alloy dealer

In algorithms, what is the output?

My question asks that when C is an integer, output b. This is pretty much our first piece of algorithms work, and I'm having a silly moment where I can't figure out what it means. How do I output b?

Lights for planted aquarium&expecting molly?

Please do not use sunlight bulbs in your aquarium.. It will be best to use Incandescent Light Bulbs to enlighten your aquarium..

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

I have no credit, but...?

im looking to get a credit card with a low credit limit to help me build credit, but i dont want to have to have a co signer. what is a credit card that will accept me with no credit history? (i am a student)

Can someone help me figure out this word prob?

Emily and john went raspberry picking. Emily picked 3 4th's quart and john picked 1 and 3 4th's quarts. So the word probes are 1. What operation is best to use to find how many quarts of raspberries they picked altogether. 2. how many quarts of raspberries did Emily and John pick altogether ?

Where can I find fireplace doors?

I found some at Lowe's & Home Depot, but they were pretty pricey ($250-400!). I am looking for some attractive, cheaper options and I know they are out there somewhere.

Why am I suddenly missing periods with negative HPTs?

I am 26. My periods are pretty much regular. At the most a couple days off here and there. They normally last 8 days (lucky me ugh). Aug sept n oct I had my normal 8 days all exactly on the 20th. Nov 24 I had one for 3 days. Jan 18th I had a very light one for 6 days. Very light. Feb 3rd I lightly spotted once. It's April now. I've taken every HPT on the shelf. The last of which this morning. All negative. I'm not stressed. I eat well. I'm otherwise healthy. Could I still be pregnant? Could menopause start this early? What else could be going on? Oh I also had a son 7 yrs ago 2 months premature, a miscarriage 5 yrs ago n a daughter 4 yrs ago full term. Thank you for reading all this!!

I need help with LD debate Jan/Feb 2009 affirmative speech?

hey i kno this isnt what you asked for but what is your core value and criterion? by what you are saying i guess your core value could be justice. i dont kno if you think fairness would be a good CV, but dont use that because it is too week of a value.

Who Should I pick up???WRs?

Off that list I would take Amendola, and maybe Tate neither are huge WR's but both average four pts a game or more, I have sims-walker riding pine along with Britt and neither have been all the great on my bench often less than a point a game for me.

Which is a more abundant isotope?

Lithium has two stable isotopes Li-6 and Li-7. Since the atomic weight of lithium is 6.941, which is the more abundant isotope?

WHO'S THE BOSS -the name of a song?

The only song I hear is the theme song to "Who's The Boss" called "A Brand New Life".

Does anyone know about killifish?

i have a tank with guppies tetra corys and 2 ram cichlids. I currently saw a killifish in petsmart and really liked it alot. Does anyone know if i could have this in my 55 gallon tank. I know i have room for it. Is it a schooling fish? is it violent would it attack me other fish? What do i do for it?

Anybody know a good name for a male cat?

Hi, i've had several cats, ginger named Pythagoras, black boy called Turbo, two girls called Wilma and Meissie (dutch for little girl). recent cats were Eubank and Elliott. I think Devon and Neo are nice names too.

What was Gorbachev's role in the end of the Cold War and the collapse of Communism?

Some historians give Gorbachev credit for ending the cold war and precipitating the collapse of Communism. What was his role in these events?

Christians, answer some questions for me about Noah's Ark/Flood?

Of course. Please remember the bible doesn't give us every single detail about the ark. However, it does say that it was built, that it carried Noah, his family, and the animals, and that it did what it was intended to do; save a certain amount of people and animals from total destruction when God flooded the earth. Since the bible tells us this, we can trust it as true. Well...hopefully you can anyway.

Biology! Help Please!...prevention of mitosis...cells dividing freqently! please help!?

Both nerve cells and heart muscle cells remain in G1 of interphase. In contrast, cells that line the intestine divide frequently. Discuss this difference in terms of why damage to the nervous system or heart (by a stroke or heart attack) is so dangerous? What might happen to the lining of the intestines if you take a drug or had a disorder that prevented mitosis?

Problems Picking Up Feet...?

Hi, sounds interesting, are ther any scars or old injuries on the leg. It is possible it hurts her to lift it or in the past it has hurt her now she thinks it will hurt if she lifts it and so she doesnt want to. Other then that is she an objectionable horse? does she tend to jack up and dig her heels in about other things? maybee she has gotton away with it for so long its become a bad habit where she has learnt how to get out of lifting her back leg. But if she is lifting her front ones its prob not attitude. I would have somone experienced have a go at it and see what they think. Its too hard over the net.

How to kill millions and get away with it in a western nation?

5. Hand out free housing and food stamps. Give welfare money to those who live in these areas. Give money to Race-baiters and tell them to keep the hate going by blaming their ills on the government and white people. Allow and protect Hip-Hop music that encourages, violence, gangs and drug selling. Then you would have millions killed each year in our inner cities....

Should I tell my fianc�e?

You need to tell her.She loves you so she deserves to know the truth no matter how painful it is.Then you can spend the last weeks together and so she can have happy memories.

I created an LLC in Texas. My bank is now asking for Articles of Incorporation. Do I need an atty for that?

I went online, completed a Certificate of Formation and then paid a $300 fee. I then took the Cert of Formation, a copy of my EIN to the bank to open an account. They say they need Articles of Incorporation. Where do I get those?

What is a good name for my school magazine?

My school is called Bruntclife High, it is based is Leeds, England. We don't have a school mascot .. or certain colours, we just need a new name. It used to be 'The Business & Enterprise Magazine', because that is what type of school it is. But we think that it isn't very catchy and that we need a COMPLETELY new name. All suggestions are open (: Thank you x

Whats the best way to beat the asteroid minigame on Dead Space? (PS3)?

Im so frustrated, i cant get past it, i have the sound right down to lower the suspense, and i usually get about 30 integrity just as hammond says one more minute.

Will this graphics card be able to run FFXI online?

Here are the requirements a href="http://www.playonline.com/ff11us/envi/win/win01.html?pageID=win" rel="nofollow"http://www.playonline.com/ff11us/envi/wi…/a

What should i wear to school tomorrow?

Okay I'm going to school tomorrow and I don't know what to wear. I have a pink hollister shirt, a tank-top, or a black spider-man shirt. I also have skinnys. I also have ugg slippers and white flipflops. Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Judicial laws in Georgia regarding Stalking, Good Behavior Bond issued and arrested for failure to comply ?

I would consult with a lawyer and think about have a safety plan in action..take any legal steps you need to keep yourself self from this man..contact your state's attorney general if necessary..

Rank these following great guitarists according to yourself?

Zakk Wylde, Slash, David Gilmour, Kirk Hammett, James Hetfield, Kerry King, Jeff Hanneman, Dave Murray, Adrian Smith, Janick Gers, Dave Mustaine, Marty Friedman and Dimebag Darrell (R.I.P.)

When you are typing and have a typo...?

Depends when I realise I made the mistake usually I backspace but if I'm writing an essay for school if I don't realise it right away I do when I re-read it and do the whole point click thing!!! Usually though I realise pretty soon after but I can be fussy about how many words later - if it's a good sentence I don't want to forget it so I would just point and click or press the arrow key to move back - the arrow key is so much quicker and you don't have to move your hand too much anyway!!! I guess I can be quite lazy when I type... is that a force of habit??? I wonder...

What's the best routine to have for a clarinet practice?

I'm a sopre in high school and have been playing the clarinet for five years now. I just performed a grade 5 piece for my solo during solo and ensemble (the piece was Dance Preludes by Lutoslawski). Also, I'm in my high school's wind ensemble. Lately, though, my practices have just felt lacking. Anyone have a routine or habit of practicing that they feel really helps them? I usually start with long tones and scales and practice any where from a half hour to hour. Any tips?

Did i get a bfp plz help?

hi i did a hpt this morn and got the faintest positive then i took it apart and the two lines where clearly there even my boss and bf cld see them , im in shock its been 18 months of trying , and im getting married tomoz i really hope this is a pos how often tdo u get false positives thanks for any help

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

My period is 3 days late. My do not hurt?

I was so constipated about 2-3 weeks ago. I was also sooo gasey, burping and farting (sorry for the vulgarity, but I typically do not get this way), now here I am late on my period. My s do not hurt at all, which is unlikely right before my period as I have double D's. Also, these past few days, I have felt bloated, and sharp stomach pains which I typically do not get. I have been getting my period since the age of 15, I am now 22. Always had normal symptoms, but this is just outrageous! Anyone give me some good advice?

Culture War Memo: Conservatives now the majority in ALL 50 states. Is Obama driving America Right?

It is a shame that in this country, it takes a disaster to wake people up and make them take notice. In the 1930's Hitler was decimating Europe, yet we did not become involved until Japan bombed Pearl Harbor. Through out the late 1970's and all of the 1980's & 1990's terrorism became the largest Middle Eastern export. Yet we do not become involved until September 2001. This country has been in a cultural decline since the mid 1960's. Now people are waking up because Comrade Obama is only taking the liberal hippie movement to it's logical conclusion SOCIALISM. People this could have been avoided years ago. We could have had a Supreme Court that did not legislate from the bench...too late now. We could have had a Congress that acted FOR the people...too late now. We could have had conservative presidents, like Reagan, too late now. Oh well, at least the sheep are starting to wake up.

Can you use apples that have been frozen?

I still have quite a few apples that were left on my tree and they got frozen solid. I'm just wondering if I can thaw them out, cut them up and re freeze them if I can use them in the future

My friend says jews should stop "complaining" about the holocaust.?

I told him that that's like saying blacks should stop complaining about slavery, and he said it's ok for them because slavery was worse. I think that its stupid to accuse anyone of complaining about something horrible that happened and its stupid to compare them, but what can i say to him to make him stop acting like a bigot?

Quake 3 Arena?

I keep getting a message saying "No response from master server". Can someone please tell me how to fix this step by step?

What is the best way to keep a girl out of your mind?

I went on a date last night with this really nice girl and cannot seem to stop thinking about her. I mean geez! She's been on my mind the entire day almost and even as I type this sentence I am thinking about her! I don't want to call her because it seems too soon.

The same guy reappearing in my dreams ?

So is this guy someone you know in real life? If not, you are probably desiring a serious commitment........... in your immediate future...! If the guy is real, you might be hiding from your real desire to hook-up with the guy. Not enough information to deal with this appropriately.

If you were a Wrestler, How would you cut a "Promo" ?+WQ?

I would be myself because I am a real b*tch and i would be one of the diva that everyone loved to hate

How can i reinforce my scooter?

hi, i have a maddgear scooter. i want to reinforce the deck but i dont know how. please tell me how to reinforce the deck and other places. thankyou

I need help to rephrase a sentence ?

Theres no future if you frontin ( as in urbandictionary, Put on a fake or false personality; not keeping it real.)

I would not have a problem with WWE Champion Shelton Benjamin. You?

If anybody in the mid-card was going to get it it should be Shelton. This guy is one of the most if not the most underrated wrestler on the wwe roster. IMO

Does anyone know where i can find the full version of over the rainbow?

this means with the intro. it was not in the movie and Judy Garland or w/e didn't put it on any of her cds so i cant find it.. it starts like "when all the world is a hopeless jumble...."

We Senior Citizens are remarkably candid but....is there anything you feel reticent about talking about online?

In my day, even menopause was a big no no for discussion. Glad we can discuss more things in the open.

Does anybody know why I keep having muscle spasms?

As far back as I can remember, I've been having random muscle spasms. Now, they're not big, awful things, just little twitches once about every 10-30 minutes. Usually, they don't do any damage, but they sometimes cause me to drop something, which can potentially lead to injury. They always happen in a part of my body that I'm not moving a lot, so it can be my legs, arms, hands, fingers, or any other part of my body, really. I have a serious anxiety problem, too, so I thought this may just be a result of all the fidgeting I do, but I would really love to have a straightforward answer that helps me get to a conclusion.

Learning perl in a week?

I want to implement some text similarity algorithms in perl, I have never used perl in the past, I have coded in C++ but not an expert, I just have 7 days to finish this, what are some of the key areas I should be touching in perl, can someone recommend me some tutorials/books to refer in perl (to learn in 7 days), any specific pointers for learning regular expressions?

How do you disguise yourself as a card counter when playing blackjack?

What are some of the various techniques one would employ to fool the eye in the sky and pit bosses? A couple of good book recommendations would be useful too. Thanks.

What are the Titles of the horror movies in this commercial?

I saw Halloween, Friday the 13th, and The Exorcist and maybe Evil Dead II in there... but that's all I recognized.

Is it time to strike Iran?

How do you feel about pre-emptive strikes? The mullahs in charge of Iran are intent on making their nation a nuclear power in the region. They have just announced deployment of new highly accurate cruise missiles. That they are developing atomic weapons is beyond doubt. Do we sit on our hands as they develop nuclear-tipped cruise missiles? Or do we put an end to the regime while we have still have troops sitting on their borders in Iraq and Afghanistan? Taking Saddam Hussein's regime down was justified on the basis of global security. Could invading Iran be likewise justified? Do you believe meaningful economic sanctions can be effective when both Russian and China don't participate? Or would you never be in agreement with pre-emptive action?

What should i do as a mascot?

I am the mascot for my high school and it is for the hockey games and there is no music to dance to and i just don't know what to do can you help me :)

I wnat to do mca in australia tell me which university will be better for me?

hello, send me current qualification details at email id with prcs@graduate.org to enable to help in best way. tc

My Life is miserable, how can i be happy?

I have a really low self-esteem. I’ve been depressed for a very long time. Everyday I wake up and thank god that I’m alive, which is the only reason I’m still here with you guys to share my thoughts, otherwise I would probably take my life away. I am a full-time college student and I can not concentrate at my studies at all, which is why I am getting such poor grades. I do not know what I want to be for my future. I’m 23 years old and I have no job. I have a lot of friends then again at end of the day I’m all alone. Many of friends betrayed me and did things behind my back and were not loyal to me, I get a lot fake love from people, which is why I choose to be by myself. I can not tell my problems to anyone not even to the closest people around me, which is why I am asking you people out there for help. I’m not very happy with myself as far as physical appearance. I’m decent looking and body wise I’m out of shape I need to tone up, I still hate the way I look and hate myself so much. Many of my female friends find me attractive but I haven’t found the right girl yet to settle down with. I’ve only had one girlfriend in the past. I’m still a virgin. I had 3 chances to lose my virginity but I punked out. Recently I hooked up with a girl I met and when we got ready to do it I got nervous, scared and I d too quickly, which made me embarred and I didn’t go through with it. This is the reason why I’m still a virgin, out of embarrment of not able to hold it long. Out of desperation I even sometimes go to strip clubs to get lap dances spending all my money. Many of my friends indirectly say that I’m not real and I’m sensitive and am not a real “man”. People don’t know how much pain I have inside. I always try to joke around people to hide all my pain. About two years ago I met a girl from MySpace and basically fell in love with her. I wanted her to be my first which is why I kind of rushed into things, I was so into her that I made so many attempts and advances towards her to sleep with me, that she might have got turned off by that. She shared of a lot dark secrets with me and told me about how she was broken from her past relationships, which is why I loved her so much and wanted to make it better. I was very obsessed with that girl and two this day I still think about her time to time. I was insecure and always accused her of things. She said she loved me too, but after three months of seeing each other she comes out tells me that she has a b/f. Even from the beginning I had doubts about her and knew maybe she was hiding something. She broke my heart and ever since then mentally I haven’t been the same. I did things for that girl nobody would do, I cared for her so much but she played mind games with me and basically did me dirty. I lie to my friends and even to my sibling that I hook up with girls which in reality I don’t. I am not very true to myself. I just want all my problems to go away. I don’t how much longer I can bare all this pain. I cannot tell my problems to my parents afraid that they might judge me. I feel that I’m such a good person with a great heart but I have so much bad luck. This is what’s keeping me from moving forward in life. I have a lot issues. I am not crazy or weird which some of you might think, I just been through a lot in my life. I can sit here and write you a book with all my problems but I don’t have time for that. Please let me know how I can be happy in life???

Do you think Ricky Hatton's next fight should be against Amir Khan?

Yes I know Hatton lost to Pacquiao, but the man is still only at 2 losses to pacmans 3 losses, so stop making such a big friggin deal about it. Hatton's a tough and daring boxer, I think he should burst back into the scene against fellow Brit Amir Khan with the fight in G.Britain. Or do you think he should face another fight or perhaps wait for a rematch with past opponents.?

[Pics] which style looks better on me????

I have to say the serena one. It will make you look more mature. Its overall a better style. It will look extra cute on you too.

Feeling unsure this cycle, any words of encouragement?

I'm pretty sure we bd at the fertile times during this cycle because i noticed ewcm for two day then we bd on those days. Then one more time after that. If I go by ovulation calculators it says I should be in my fertile time, but now fertile cm or ov pains and cervix feels more closed now. So I feel so unsure if we timed it right, think ov came early. Trying to stay positive but it's tough! Two Questions which is better at predicting ovulation the cervical mucus or opk tests and to the ttc ladies out there what helps you stay positive during the ttw??? Thank you for all your answers:) Hope this is our month!

Do you think he is attracted to me?

he like you and just loves seeing you, when he see's you smile, inside he is soo happy. If you like him, go up to him, and say hey ( his name) I kinda like you, and take it from there.

I have some new work pants that I need to soft so they don't stand up on their own. Please help!!!?

I've washed with fab. softener and dried with drier sheets 4 times and they still stand on their own. I'm desperate!

"Working on a job" Algebra question?

Tracy can wallpaper 2 rooms in a new house in 10 hours. Together with her trainee they can wallpaper the 2 rooms in 7 hours how long would it take the trainee working by herself to the do the job?

Biotique Fruit Pack suitable for my skin?

I have a combination skin ie oily T-zone and dry rather dehydrated cheeks. I recently purchased this Bio fruit pack which contains pineapple,tomato,lemon.papaya and multani mitti(fuller's earth). I have applied the pack twice say alternate days...but it hasnt given me a fresh look. My skin looks oily. I have also this honey gel face cleanser. Its said we shudnt use any soap or a face wash for 24 hrs after applying a pack.But this foam ing cleanser is a soap free one suitable for all skin types.Can i wash my face with this after washinf off the pack.Will it reduce the effect of the pack.I donot feel it is giving that fresh look which i get after geting a Shahnaaz gold facial in the parlor.Shall i continue to use it ....ie wait and continue to use it for a while for better effect?

Monday, November 7, 2011

Great gatsby art project ideas?

i'm not creative either, but i would choose the new and the old rich people. Maybe spark notes will give you some inspiration.

Which of the following movies and shows has the best love team?

I would say A because there are multiple relationships that aren't just casual dating like the others. Plus Zac and Vanessa aren't just on screen couples, They are a real true couple. The chemistry is amazing between them.

Where is a good, inexpensive restaurant for breakfast/lunch in Berkeley or Oakland?

I travel once a month from Watsonville to San Rafael. Sometimes I stop for breakfast, sometimes for lunch in the Berkeley/Oakland area. I don't want to eat at Burger King off the highway anymore, but I don't know where else to go. I have read reviews on the net and found a bit of information here on Answers, but I'd like to hear from Berkeley/Oakland locals who really know what's good. I'm looking for tasty, quality food - not too pricey - I know...it's hard. I did find ONE last time I took a chance. It was called the Royal Cafe, I think. I'm looking for other places though, in addition to that. Thanks!

Must read.... ........... ............... ........?

I've been cramping mildly a couple of days after I ovulated, and I'm still cramping. I've also notice that I've been having some white creamy discharge..... Yes I'm ttc and my AF isn't due until Dec 8th.. I know it's too early to test, but has anyone had the same symptoms and gotten their BFP?

What do you think that han nasralllah thinks about .... ?

the miss usa 2010? do you think hes like "dayumm, shes a fine lebanese young lady" or "dayumm! shes american. she supports the enemy!"

Is this sentence correct?

Is the friends comparing to someone else.if not you dont need likewise or also.but definitely get rid of the also.

Does anyone like my Jokes?

Very good. The wizard one especially because there's many a true word said in jest. Keep them coming old boy.

So Willie Mays was in both parades?

He was in the initial parade in 58 and the one yesterday. I wonder how many Giants from that 58 team who were in that original parade are still alive and why didn't they have them in yesterday's parade - I'd rather have had them then a lot of the other non-Giants involved.

Jack who?//the dark knight, the best movie ever!?

i think the dark knight is the best movie so far... (i don't know if harry potter will be better, but i kinda doubt so) And Heath Ledger as the joker makes jack nicholson looks like a nobody... i mean heath was amazing hi is like the best villain ever... does enybody agree whit me?

What is the benefit of celebrating Isra' Mi'raj?

Sorry, but most muslims are on here doing the day time. You can go under my contacts list and find a girl named "Emmy". She a very intelligent muslim, and she can probably help. But more than likely, you wont get a reply until tommorow!

Interested in being a midwife? A few questions?

Go watch a real birth, it's gory, it's gross, yeah it's a miracle happening but it is GORY. There will be blood, sweat, tears, maybe even poop and pee...

Is the term soldier meant only for army or is it meant for anybody in the military?

Ok, I was watching Letters from iwo jima earlier and a us marine got cuaght as a POW but the japanese called him a soldier. I was like thats dumb that that called him a soldier when he was a marine but my step dad said " A soldier is a term for any branch in the military" even though he has know military experience at all. I said no (corect me if im wrong) Navy are sailors, marines are marines Army is soldiers...... Don't know the USAF though..... Waddya think?

Why do writers produce tragedies?

My overall intention on reading is to further develop my knowledge on any give subject, and to be entertained,and also any possible other criterias that my mind may not conjure in it's weary state(u can fill in). But as I just finished reading a tragedy, it took me back to the unfulfilled feelings I have experienced with past tragedies. It again makes me wonder why such masters at literature such as Shakspeare would devote such work to a tale without happy ending? I mean on an overall scale of enjoyment tragedies and happy endings just cant compete, am I right??

PSAT!! how do you p? help?

you dont have to worry about ping it because theres no such thing as ping or failing on the PSAT(or the SAT). Some scores are just better than others. The PSAT is hard, im a sopre and i took it in October. i did decent for a sopre, but keep in mind the test is designed for juniors. Chances are by sopre year you did not learn alot of the math that is on the test. And anyway, dont stress it too much.Remeber, the PSAT doesnt count, although you can get a scholarship if you do well. Just think of it as a practice for the real SAT. Good Luck and dont worry yet, worry junior year when you take the real SAT.

What happens if you ingest baking soda at more than the "do not exceed" amount?

On a box of baking soda, it says "do not exceed more than seven 1/2 teaspoons in a 24 hour period". What would happen to your body if you do exceed that amount?

Why is he being so mean?

So I fell in love with this 23 yr old, I am 18, he told me he liked me, and I told him I liked him too, but it was bad timing, since his ex was still in his life, and he wasn't sure if he still had the same feelings for her as he use to. But anyways.. down the road, he keeps flirting with me, he is not with her anymore, but I let him know that I still liked him. I told him I was going to give it another chance in some time, to get with him, he agreed and simply said "Okay I will be waiting..." BUT. Now he is mean, I mean I know guys tease, and it's natural when they like a girl, but it seems like he teases too much like he is mad at me. He tried snatching things off my hands, tries to take my ID away, maybe I am taking it wrong. He is a usual teaser. But how can I tell why he is doing it worse now? I mean he still flirts, and tells me I am cute. but just the teasing is mean. What should I do? Is he trying to just push me away?

Buy or Sell these random Beatles questions...?

Pixies, Sonic Youth, Dinosaur Jr. and Nirvana are the only ones I would consider buying. Not saying I definitly WOULD buy... I would just think about it really hard. Tee hee hee.

When is the United States Military and Law enforcement personnel going to come together to fight the Tyranny?

An Un-American?? Are you kidding me? Here is a person willing to put their thoughts out there and try to WAKE-UP our lazy *** countrymen who want the government to "take care of them." I am sure you recall the video of that Florida woman crying in disbelief that her man won the election and would buy her gas and pay her mortgage. This posting is so extremely accurate and I honestly hope that people read this and become aware of what is happening in this once wonderful country of ours. We are heading toward a monumental disaster from which our country will most likely not recover. Only then will you far left crazies realize the kool aid you were being fed. WAKE UP NOW BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE!

How can you believe biblical prophecy or any prophecy?

Prophecies are in the same category as Fortune Telling. As you've pointed out make it general enough and you stand a good chance of something happening that 'fits'. Make it highly specific such as an event occurring at a given time on a given day and the chances of you being right are infinitesimally small.

Would you consider this situation cheating/betrayal?

Seven months ago I met my current boyfriend, Bob. He introduced me to all of his friends, including this guy named Sam. Sam had just come home from the military, he lives on a base 12 hours away. The night Sam and I met, he and I had an immediate connection, and we ended up flirting all night. We gave each other constant looks, we had amazing chemistry. So Sam and I stayed friends through MySpace (and yes, Bob knew about it). A few months later, Sam came back from the military for a short vacation, and Bob, Sam, and I all went out to party with more friends several nights. It got to the point that Sam and I were following each other around and flirting all night long. We were both relentless about it. Luckily, Bob never noticed. The last night that we went out before Sam had to go back, Bob and I got into a huge fight and broke up, and I stole Sam's number off of Bob's cell phone, and called him when we got home. I ended up going to Sam's house, where we confirmed our feelings for each other, and ended up making out (it was amazing!). Long story short, Sam and I have been keeping communication with each other behind Bob's back. I never told him that I got back with Bob eventually. Bob is very invested in our relationship, and is deeply in love with me, which makes things hard. I have deep feelings for both men. A few weeks ago I ended up getting really drunk, and I wrote Sam a letter about how much I liked him and how great he was. Since then it has gotten very sentimental between me and Sam, all the time while Bob has been trying to work on improving our relationship. The thing is that while Sam is away in the military and can't even offer me a relationship, Bob has a great job, great pay, he's madly in love with me, and wants everything to work out. It seems like an obvious choice, but Sam and I have so much more in common, and I feel more strongly for him. Bob has too many shortcomings... Last night Sam offered to pay for half my plane ticket (on his meager wage) if I would go and see him where he's stationed, and I said yes. Every time I talk to him it gets deeper, but I feel wrong because this is one of Bob's best friends, and I feel like I'm lying to both. I'm going with both because I'm not married to either one, and remain independent, but I do kind of feel like I'm cheating, even though Sam and I don't have a physical relationship. Do you think I'm wrong for what I'm doing??? How does this sound??? Am I a bad person for doing this???

My grandpa said he was a frisbee-tarian, does that mean he went to the big Wham-O in the sky?

The name Frisbee is a registered trademark of the Wham-O toy company, all rights reserved, cannot be used without express permission from the Wham-O toy company. Thank you for your answers.

Unbelievers! how do you recognized them?are those that follows doctrines of men belongs to unbelievers?

Without the Roman Catholic Church and the Jews to begin Christianity, you wouldn't have whichever cheap sect of Christianity you believe in (because any serious Christian Church would teach love and respect for one another). Anyways, instead of worrying about religion, which seems a topic much too elevated for you, why don't you go back to your middle school grammar cl (if you've made it that far?).

Crochet tips much appreciated :)?

As far as the best place to buy yarn, it depends. If you want middle of the road acrylic yarn, then probably WalMart is about as good as it gets. If you want spun wool, then you will have to find a specialty wool store near you, or a sheep farm that spins and sells the sheep wool. As far as patterns, there are all kinds of free patterns from a number of different website. There is patterncentral.com, lionbrand.com, interweave.com, or even the store where you purchase your yarn will often supply free patterns to go with the yarn you are purchasing. I also found Ebay had a wealth of patterns at various prices of course. Crochet is made up of chains, single, double, triple and slip stitches. Your patterns are made up of any combination of these. Most patterns will explain the stitch. If you become very adept you will learn what the stitches are in various names, such as a cluster, love knot, basketweave, but these are usually explained step by step in the pattern, so you don't need to worry about it. If you are as enthusiastic as I am, you will have a variety of materials on hand. I get a lot of requests, so I have crochet cotton in gauges 10, 20, 30, some metallic elastic (for more advanced projects), wool, and acrylic and spun beaver fur. At your stage, I would suggest you keep just a small quantity of acrylic yarn...it is the most versatile until you start to specialize. You should find yourself a full range of sizes in crochet hooks, crochet stitch markers (split rings) and scissors. That is pretty much it. I have crocheted for many, many, many years, both as a hobby and commercially for a fashion designer....that's where my small stash of beaver fur comes in....but you probably will never need it as it requires special patterns. Another pointer, always try to complete a project before starting a new one. It is very difficult to go back to ones that were placed on the back burner and pick up where you left off, plus the enthusiasm for that project will have probably worn off.

Who do I start at WR for week 3? please help!!!?

I would definitely start Driver. I think the next starter would be Collie, he and Manning seem to be connecting well.

French: Ici l'on parle anglais?

Well, as I understand it, anytime you vary the standard word order, you change the emphasis. So the resulting sentence doesn't mean precisely the same thing as the original, you see. You are emphasizing the fact that it is HERE that English is spoken. As far as I know, you are correct about sticking that little false pronoun in there "l" so as to separate the two vowels, the -i at the end of "ici" and the o- at the beginning of "on." That's like as putting -n on the end of "an" when we say "an apple" instead of "a apple" (although "a banana" is perfectly acceptable). But why you would want to emphasize speaking English HERE, as opposed to somewhere else, I'm a bit in the dark about. Normally it's the speaking ENGLISH you're emphasizing, since you're saying it in French, you see.

The best way to apply moisturizer?

Okay so I bought the Body Shops Vitamin E Illuminating Moisturizer and I'm not sure if it gives me quite the glow I want, even though I'm applying so much that it makes my skin kind of greasy... but I'm wondering if I should apply it with a brush, or what method would make it look best and enhance the glow?

"iexplore" program won't shut down?

When I try to turn the computer off a box appears attempting to close the above Internet Explorer program but it fails to respond. On clicking the "end now" instruction the box reappears and it starts all over again. This can happen 4 or 5 times before the shut down occurs. I have tried deleting "iexplore" but this is not permitted. Any suggestions from you computer experts out there?

Guys, how would YOU react to this? (Don't be immature now)?

Okay, so basically i've been a generally horrible girlfriend. My boyfriend and I have been dating for exactly 7 months as of today and he wanted me to see him, but at the last minute I had to call and let him know I can't make it. Now I know he was sad, actually he was probably angry because I have done this continuously to him. I can NEVER get out of my house (unless accompanied by a parent) so seeing him was just out of the question. Now, this isn't the only thing I also don't have a cell phone anymore and he can't call my house (no guys can) and I can only call him during the day or late at night. Well, if you were in HIS shoes would you stay or leave? Give your reasons for both because I know if I were in his shoes i'd probably grow wearier by the day.

Poll: What does Timbaland want and what does Nelly Furtado need?

We've heard the song, Promiscuous Girl, sooo... what does Timbaland want and what does Ms. Furtado need?

Does anyone know any good alternative/heavy bands?

You might wish to repost this in the Popular Music section - otherwise, us Clical music folks will start suggesting things by Bruckner and Schrecker.

Why doesn't Amy Poehler just stay on SNL?

She kept on appearing and surprising us on Weekend Update every so often last season after she left the show, and now she is doing Weekend Update Thursdays, and everyone loves her on there. I don't know why she can't just stay on. I heard Kristen Wiig is the co anchor this upcoming season with Seth. I like her too, but I don't think she will beat Amy on WU, plus I always liked it when she came on as Judy Grimes and she probably won't be able to do that anymore!

Does this seem a little pretentious to you?

yeah i kind of does you trying to make yourself sound important but it comes off like i am a big douche

Rate my Yahoo! Fantasy Baseball Team!?!?

I would say 8 because not all players are good but they are all good enough to have a good team. Good pitching and outfield. Your infield is okay good corner players but your middle is a little below average. overall pretty good.

I'm the moderator. How do I delete an inappropriate msg?

Someone posted a message that is clearly against our rules. How can I, the moderator, delete just that message without banning the writer?

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Books: Your Opinion on Immortals Vs. Weak Humans + Damsel in Distress 10 points!?

I HATE HATE HATE that whole damsel in distress thing, but it is just the way our society views women after hundreds of years. also, i think the reason that we are so fascinated by immortals is because it is something that we are not; same goes for vampires, zombies, and aliens. i also think that a well rounded character is good, but that makes them just like us, which is boring and uninteresting. i don't know why other people enjoy reading fiction, but i enjoy it because i like reading about things that don't usually happen or are impossible in real life.

I am obese, weighing 99 kgs, can i lose weight , how ?

my weight is around 99 kgs and i want to lose weight, i follow a regular diet, without sugar and without oil, will i be able to walk ? for when i walk too much i feel breathlessness, plz let me know

How did customs play a role in The Three Little Pigs?

Not sure if I understood the questions but I'm thinking its asking on peoples habits. If the first two little pigs would have done a good job since the beginning then they would not have had they're house blown away and almost eaten. It takes hard work and dedication to do something but sticking to that will eventually pay off.

Does anyone enjoy typing weird things in Google translate and making it talk!?

Yes! Whenever I'm bored or in a bad mood I will always go there and make it say bad things about my friends. The first time I tried it I could not stop laughing. It's even better when you have english sentences in other languages so everything is pronounced wrong. Or typing in random letters is quite funny too.

Is this a good begining for a chapter? {Its long}?

Very boring and riddled with cliches, i only finished the first paragraph. And you say 'all because' alot which is irritating. Yes you were right about the grammer and spelling - that needs to be fixed. When u give a book to a publisher they often only read the first chapter and if that doesnt get their attention then your out of luck. My only advice is read MUCH more, preferably well written books (so that rules out any meg cabot!) because your writing style is pretty atrocious, and also to think of something to write about which is less predictable and unoriginal. Zzzzzzzzzzzz

Pregnancy symptoms - what have you experienced?

I literally had nearly all of the same symptoms as you, and I got my BFP 15 dpo. I am now 6w3d. Good luck and baby dust!!!!!!

College loans and Bankruptcy?

I'm not sure about your bankruptcy question but as for your second question you will have to apply for a federal subsidized stafford loan. This loan is based on your parents credit. uming that your parents credit is not in a well state at the moment, most likely your parents will be denied of the loan. You should receive rejection letters in the mail stating your denial. HOWEVER, once your university is informed that your have been denied that loan then you will be applicable for a federal unsubsidized stafford loan, this is a loan for students whose parents were not applicable for the federal subsidized stafford loan. the difference between the two loans 'i believe' is interest.

What tests can i do to treat these symptoms?

Sorry but tests don't treat symptoms. You didn't specify what test was done a year later. I suggest you have a physical exam, a urinalysis, a urine culture and blood tests to screen for STDs. See a doctor soon.

Who was the worst sportsman that endangered or let down others?

saw a question forum with an interesting question about the most dangerous sport man. seen the answers one expects like the drug cheat Ben Johnson, and marion Jones , gatlin and co. but the biggest on there supervised me. Greg Louganis the seoul olympic winner in the diving. just looked it up on line and see he had aids before the Seoul olympics and knew he was positive. yet he let that trainer poke around his head without gloves treating a cot that needed quite a few stitches. and the towel they put on the wound they left by the other divers and trainers. we know that HIV is transferred through blood. but i have seen where people have been charged with endangering the lives of others with knowing exposing others to HIV. why was Greg not charged and what happened with that trainer?

Who is a good round 5 pick?

I would go with addai as a safe bet or your could be brave and take manning or moss. I picked 10 in my league and took manning in the first and moss in the second. And was still able to pick up some decents RBs like E James W.Parker and L Marouney in the mid to late rounds. So good luck with your draft you really cant go wrong with the 5th pick.

What forms of I.D do i need for going to an adult club (18years)?

Driver's license. Or non-driver's license. Something with a picture and birth date on it. Pports work if they're up to date.

What ever happened to poptarts???

Does anyone know whatever happened to the breakfast snack pop-tarts?? Do they still sell them anywhere in Australia, or in particular Victoria?? they were so good even though real unhealthy...so good!

This is a question for people who work in a lebanese airport?

hi i live in the uk, and i'm coming to lebanon on christmas. Now i have lived in lebanon before and i was just wondering about this. can i bring tobacco and rizzlas with me? It's like rolling paper, and a bag of tobacco. I was wondering if i could bring a couple with me to lebanon. It's totally legal in the uk and everywhere else, but i don't know about lebanon. It's just like normal ciguarettes, no drugs no anything honest. So will i prosecuted? Thanks

Sears won't let me return my iPad?

this totally sounds like your fault. im sorry but you thought there waa a typo and proceded to buy it and then had no idea what you were getting. NEVER ume its a typo. this would also not cause them to close your card so there must be more to the story. find the vendors mailing address and send him certified mail. he may be waiting to contact you until after you cannot return it. certified mail ures he received this in a timely matter and will help if you go to court.

Are hu ge and ariel lin filming another show together anytime soon?

I know they worked on Fairy from wonderland and legend of the condor heroes together. Are they working on any other shows together?

What are the chances I will do jail time for a disorderly conduct charge?

This lady stated to some people that I had called her, and stated to her that she should leave the building. She then reported this to her supervisor. Whern we went to court for the injunction, she said that I didn't threaten to do bodily harm to anybody, it was just my voice. She said that it was shaking, and that she never heard my voice like that. Now the court wants to charge me for disorderly conduct. What are the chances that I will get jail time for that

Iam all messed up?

Omg it sucks that the person you dislike so much is stuck to your head. I'm experiencing it now and it sucks like hell. I feel dirty and smeared. I guess we all just have to shove the thoughts away and keep ourselves occupied with something else that makes us happy.

Is this fair for those who receive public istance?

I think it is fair to means test some welfare benefits. Obviously the poor are not all equally poor.

I have an amazing story to tell Chuck Norris!!?

THANK YOU!!! YOUR MACHINE HELPED ME GET BACK IN SHAPE. I was in a terrible acccident and almost lost my life. my entire left side was crushed from head to toe. I'am a walkin miracle. your machine helped me regain my mobility and strenth back. I'm 44yrs old and only wieghed 112lbs when I woke up from my coma 2months later .It was very difficult to except. I've been using the total gym for 21mo. I t is amazing. I now weigh 151lbs getting stronger every day .thanks to the total gym. It has been amazing. thank you!!!!

Legal Immigration.?

Heroes; those people that are willing to live their homes and risk their lives with out harming or hurting other people and look for a way to feed and support their families knowing that is up to them to feed and dress those God creatures that were born under their responsibility and not their government, they are willing to travel to different countries and suffer; loneliness, harment, discrimination, segregation, hate, verbal abuse, under the justification of been here illegally.

What type of bicycle would you choose for a cross country trip?

I have a Trek 2.1 road bike and a Gary Fisher Hoo Koo E Koo mountain bike. I am planning on cycling cross country from the coast of South Carolina to Northern California. For this trip, which of these bicycles would be preferable, or should I go with something different, like a hybrid? Also, for my gear, which utility / storage trailer is good to have in tow.

Graduation song?

Does anyone know any songs that would sum up your high school experience? I have to write a "Farewell Speech" that revolves around a song... and I'm stuck. Thanks!!!

Should I pick up Tracy McGrady for my fantasy team?

The only players I would consider dropping are Rodney Stuckey, Al Harrington, Brendan Haywood and Mike Miller. Which player should I drop or are they all worth more than the risk in Tracy McGrady?


If "they" came up with a way to freeze humans, and thaw them hundreds of years later. Would you do it? Say they put you to sleep, then next thing you know you wake up and its the year 2850 or something. Would you do that. I think it would be cool to see where the world would be..

Is that wrong to ask God to be rich?

why is that? I thought God wants us to be happy and to have money as some evangelicals preach that message

Who has anything against that question that was asked on Yahoo before?

if you say, 'germans are from germany' the question gets pulled as it is a comment about a group - this politically correct nonsense has gone far enough - in germany it is a criminal offence to deny the Holocaust. Last time i looked there was free speech in democratic countries as long as you didn't offend anybody - i don't think that disagreeing about a historical event is a crime. Prof watson has his invite to speak at Cambridge withdrawn as he was labelled 'racist' for suggesting that intelligence might have developed differently in different parts of the world in response to environment - sounds likely even obvious to me but it doesn't fit in with political correctness and the facts must be suppressed if they don't suit - since when did lying become acceptabel as part of academe?

2000 BMW 323i vs. other cars?

Hey so im 21 years old lookin to buy my first car for approx. 5 grand. Give or take. Im looking at buying at 1999-2001 BMW 3-series in manual. Its the sweetest looking ride you can find for the price in my opinion. Thing is these cars are always over 200km's minimum in most cases. I have found other cars with under 200km's but generally there all chevy's or old civics. My feeling is that if i were to buy the bmw with over 200k that it would probably have equal if not better reliablilty than almost all american made cars under 200k. Plus bmw's seem to hold their value, even the high mileage ones seem to have a market of buyers. To me this seems like a smart investment since if i bought for example an 2004 chevy cobalt with 150km's its value drops quick PLUS all north american cars have the tendency to fall apart around that age. So my question is really would a bmw with over 200k be a more likely reliable vehicle than others? Im a car enthusiast big time and want a fun car thus why im looking for a manual and something a little more unique. Ive looked at buying a nissan 300zx or newer prelude but they all are in the same price range but the 300zx is older and preludes all appear to be driven into the ground and garbage. Im going to be a student soon as well and wont have hoards of money thus the need for reliablilty and i know bmw's tend to cost a fortune to repair. Also, i hear the 323's are sluggish in auto is this the same for manual? Just looking for some advice, thanks!

Which of these martial arts is better in a real life situation?

muaythai,bjj,kickboxing,taekwondo,shotok… karate,judo,boxing aikido and what makes each a better fighting system

About to duel with the sleep, cousin of G. Reap. No nonsense, want more responses than S. Hawking's....?

you're pretty good, i'll give it an 8. but you have alot of talent and potential, don't put that pen down unless you're picking up a mic.

5 a side goalkeeper tips?

h regularly play as goalkeeper for a 5 a side team on astro turf. i am a decent goal keeper but does anyone no any tips in how i can be better

Someone please help me answer these history questions!? urgent please?

Very well, I'll help you... All of the answers can be found in your history text. By all means do something you've probably never done before -- OPEN it, and READ.

Is a can of frozen orange juice concentrate safe to drink if it sat out at room temperature all night?

Unless you're in the tropics, you should be fine. When you open it, it will have a fermented odor if it's starting to go bad.

Where can i find the kid rock version of wanted dead or alive?

Okay, a while back I was at the movies and saw a Army ad that had kid rock singing the bon jovi version of wanted dead or alive, I can not find this song anywhere on the internet to download, can you? the kid rock version is what i want

Bowling for Columbine,Dead Man Walking,American History X, Crash,The shadow of hate,people like us (HELP)?

No, firearms has nothing to do with violence, violent people are the cause of violence. A firearm in only an inanimate object like any other inanimate object. This is like you asking if spoons cause Rosie O'Donnell to be fat, asking if pencils cause misspelled words, or if automobiles make people speed and run stop signs.

Is it true that Barack Hussein Obama's political career started at the home of terrorist William Ayers?

Ayers as you may or may not know, is a good friend and neightbor of Obama's. Ayers bombed the capitol building and the Pentagon in the 1960s. To this day, Ayers is unrepentent and says he wishes he could have commited more terrorist acts.

Astro sucks! do you agree with me?

i subscribed to sports package (for obvious reasons) three days ago and im yet to receive those channels. i called astro numerous times, after being put on hold for ages, they answer and tell me the same thing - you'll get it in few hours from now. but it's been three days. and in their system, it's been registered the time i requested for it, so they've been charging me the extra money even though im not able to watch them!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

What is the name of the movie from the late 90s/early 2000s about a girl infatuated with a guy in a band.?

I think it's an indie film...I thought it was played by Jena Malone but after searching her filmography, it doesn't look like it was her. It ends with the guy's concert in some farm or something. I think he had just hit it big? Who knows. If it sounds familiar to you, please help :) thanks.