Saturday, November 12, 2011

How do you know if it's true?

How do you know when you're in love? Because I think I might be... my boyfriend Connor is amazing... when I see him, even like, when he's only been gone five minutes and he comes back, I feel so like, happy and overjoyed to see him. And he's not afraid to like, kiss me or hold my hand in front of his "guys" or whatever lol I just always want to be with him. Even when I say goodbye to him at the end of the schoolday, and I know I'm gonna see him tomorrow, I don't wanna walk away from him. I spend as much time with him as I can. I know I can put on my old baggy PJ pants and an old stained Tshirt I wear for pajamas around him and I know he won't care. When I see him smile, I think my heart's gonna like, explode. I trust him so much and in my eyes he's just the most amazing guy ever. Am I like, in love with him? Serious answers please... I asked my friends this and all they did was go, "Aww... I don't knowwww" lol So please give me serious answers

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