Saturday, November 12, 2011

Ideas for gift for Vet's office ?

A week ago my daughter and I found a dog that had been hit by a car, we did not know who the owner was but called the vet (emergency hours) and not only were they willing to take him..they were willing to take him for free while we cont'd the search for the owner. We found the owner and basically the owner said the dog (with a broken hip) was useless to him if he couldn't work on the farm and wanted to put him down. The vet asked if he would be willing to sign him over to her and if she could find him a home if it would be ok. The owner agreed and she called us. There was absolutely no need to put the dog down. We decided to adopt him and the vet was so wonderful she kept him for a week and treated him medically and even bathed and frontlined him for us ALL for FREE! We were super grateful and wanted to make a thank you snack or something very creative to show our thanks. I would like to make it puppy themed but can not think of anything. Any help would be appreciated..

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